Welcome at HortiSolutions Holding BV
Thank you for your interest! Almost born in a greenhouse, I
specialized myself at Wageningen University in plant
physiology and company management. After my MSc. graduation in 2001, I always tried to
bridge knowledge demand with knowledge supply in global
horticulture. This by some different job positions, but
also via own enterpreneurship. I keep working on
this bridge, nowadays facilitated via following 3 different
approaches: |

HortiSolutions Holding
Project Management & Consultancy
Greenhouse horticultural (global) business development by
Project management and Consultancy. This is realized by
bridging and conversion of theoretical knowledge into
practical solutions on both plant physiological
production as well farm managerial advisory services.
Over the years specialized in business and/or project plan
development, production capacity and financial calculations.
Much experience was also gained by developing innovative
concepts by mainly product and process quality performance
management and bridging knowledge demand and knowledge
supply. For an online example, please watch this
Study tours, horti training and business matchmaking
Organizing horticultural tailor made study tours, business
matchmaking services and horticultural trainings which are
organized for individuals and groups coming from all over
the world visiting The Netherlands.
For more information, see website
of HollandDoor
HortiLink Online Conference Registration &
Payment Systems
Delivers full service package concerning
participant registration and (online) payments. Contracting
HortiLink means outsourcing large part of organizing tasks
and gives you the possibility to concentrate on your primary
task: Conference content! HortiLink services can be used by
conferences as stand-alone outsourced activity or is an
integral part of wholeset of conference services provided by
for more information website of
More information?
Johannes Bosboomlaan 11 ¦ 6717HH Ede ¦ The Netherlands
Tel: +31 6 46191855 ¦ Fax: +31 84 2224277 ¦ E-mail: info@hortisolutions.nl